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Angelo Rigillo

Head of Governance, Intelligence and Partnerships, Innovability®

Angelo is the Head of Governance, Intelligence and Partnerships, Innovability®, reporting to the Chief Innovability® Officer of the Group.

His role consists in providing Enel innovation with structure, processes and tools to enable the innovation activities to be effective and aligned across the business lines, to sign partnerships with big corporations and to study the evolution of technology and business models that may unlock new opportunities for Enel and for the whole industry.

He has launched the first Enel innovability® crowdsourcing website, through which Enel has published more than 100 challenges and is now able to reach more than 500k innovators.

Angelo joined Enel Strategic Planning department in 2009, and before moving to the newborn Innovability® area in 2015, he had a role in the PMO of the M&A project that culminated with the €3.1bn re-IPO of Endesa S.A., the Spanish utility part of Enel Group.

He holds a degree in Industrial Engineering and a master in Corporate Innovation from ESADE business school.

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